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Global quasi-neutral limit for the two-fluid plasma models

活动时间:2023-11-24 15:00

活动地点:腾讯会议 792-644-883



刘存明,曲阜师范大学,副教授,硕士生导师。在曲阜师范大学获得硕士学位后,于2012年在复旦大学获得博士学位。研究领域:双曲方程组适定性理论、流体力学方程组物理参数的奇异极限研究。部分结果发表在 SIAM JMA, JDE 和 JMPA等重要学术期刊杂志上,主持多项国家自然科学基金。


We consider the quasi-neutral limit to the Cauchy problem for the two-fluid plasma models. When the initial data are sufficiently close to constant equilibrium states, we prove the  global existence of smooth solutions with uniform bounds with respect to the Debye length in Sobolev spaces. This allows to pass to the limit in the system for all time to obtain a compressible Euler system. We also prove global error estimates for the two-fluid Euler-Poisson system. These results are obtained by establishing uniform energy estimates and various dissipation estimates. The biggest difficulty in the energy estimates is the control of the quasi-neutrality of the velocities of two-fluid. For this purpose, , we use an orthogonal projection operator in several dimension case. These results were completed in collaboration with Pro.Yue-Jun Peng.
