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On Stabilizing Effects of Transversal Magnetic Fields on Interfacial Wave Motions

活动时间:2022-11-07 14:00

活动地点:腾讯会议 430-683-668



香港中文大学数学科学研究所常务所长、蒙民伟数学讲座教授,国际数学家大会(ICM)45 分钟特邀报告人,MAA 主编,JMP 和 M2AS副主编,M3AS、SCM、Kyoto J. of Math 等十几种杂志的编委或主编。长期从事流体力学偏微分方程理论研究,在双曲守恒律、高维激波、边界层理论、混合型方程、可压流体与不可压流体方程和松弛格式等领域做出了重要的具有国际影响的研究成果。至今发表论文 180 余篇,google 引用超 1 万 2 千余次,近 5 年 google 引用超 4 千次,是美国 Sloan Research Fellow。曾任香港数学会会长,曾获得美国 Sloan 研究奖、教育部长江讲座以及晨兴数学金奖。


Dynamical interface motions are important flow patterns and fundamental free boundary problems in fluid mechanics. Such waves for purely inviscid fluids are subject to various instabilities such as Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities unless other stabilizing effects such as surface tension, Taylor-sign conditions or dissipations are imposed. However, in the presence of magnetic fields, it has been known that tangential magnetic fields may have stabilizing effects for free surface waves such as plasma-vacuum or plasma-plasma interfaces (at least locally in time), yet whether transversal magnetic fields (which occurs often for interfacial waves for astrophysical plasmas) can stabilize typical free interfacial waves remains to be some open problems. In this talk I will show the stabilizing effects of the transversal magnetic fields for some interfacial waves for both compressible and incompressible multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). 
