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Pullback exponential attractors and a subquintic wave equation Ⅰ~Ⅱ

活动时间:2022-10-25 19:00、10-27 19:00

活动地点:腾讯会议 748-699-745 

主讲人:Ma Tofu


Professor Ma Tofu is from University of Brasilia, works on wave equations.


In this series of lectures, we recall the concept of exponential at- tractors and introduce a recent existence theory (by Carvalho and Sonner) which is specially dedicated to wave type equa- tions. It can be used for either autonomous or non-autonomous systems. Then we apply the theory to some weakly damped Timoshenko like systems. Our main concern is the existence of finite-dimensional dynamics of subquintic wave equations. To this end we present a new proof for the well-posedness of a non- autonomous subquintc wave equation and then apply above theory to show the existence of a pullback exponential attractor. Finally, we also present some recent results and open problems.
