365体育·(中国)官方唯一入口-App Store


 基本信息  姓名  徐少锋
 系室  应用物理系
 职称  讲师
 联系方式 见黄页
 电子邮件 xushaofeng@dhu.edu.cn
 研究方向  等离子体物理诊断技术,分子动力学模拟,第一性原理计算
 个人简介  徐少锋讲师,从2022年6月至今在东华大学365体育官方唯一入口工作。主要研究方向是低温大气压等离子体,从事量子化学和分子动力学模拟研究。作为项目参与者完成国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目1项,参与完成捷克国家基金委项目1项,作为主持者完成捷克科学院项目1项。作为第一作者或通讯作者以及合作者,在《Journal of molecular liquids》、《Applied Physics Letters》、《Physics of Plasmas》等一流刊物上发表了学术论文多篇。
 学习经历  起止年月  学校  专业  学位/学历
 2007/09-2011/07  上海交通大学  应用物理学  学士/本科
 2011/09-2016/06  上海交通大学  物理学  博士/研究生
 工作经历  起止年月  单位  职称/职务
 2018/02-2021/12  捷克科学院等离子体物理研究所  博士后
 2022/06-至今  东华大学365体育官方唯一入口  讲师
Shaofeng Xu*, Xuanying Guo, Juan Wang, Ying Guo, and Jianjun Shi, Chemical scanning of atomic oxygen at the gas-liquid interface of a NaCl solution via quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics molecular dynamics simulations. Science of The Total Environment: p. 165329 (2023) IF=9.8.
Shaofeng Xu, Vit Jirasek, and Petr Lukes*, Elucidation of Molecular-level Mechanisms of Oxygen Atom Reactions with Chlorine Ion in NaCl Solutions using Molecular Dynamics Simulations Combined with Density Functional Theory. ChemistrySelect, 8(23): p. e202203937 (2023). IF=2.3
Shaofeng Xu*, Xiaoxia Zhong, Ying Guo and Jianjun Shi. Effects of gas-liquid interface on the theoretical X-ray absorption spectroscopy of phenylenediamines. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 618:156675.
Shaofeng Xu*, Xiaoxia Zhong, Ying Guo and Jianjun Shi. Hydroxyl-initiated oxidation processes of phenylenediamines treated by the atmospheric plasma: A theoretical study in gas phase. Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2023, e27099.
 Shaofeng Xu and Petr Lukes. 'Gas-liquid interface influencing electronic structure of phenol based on molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical X-ray absorption spectroscopy.' Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021. 341.
 Shaofeng Xu, Vit Jirasek and Petr Lukes. 'Molecular dynamics simulations of singlet oxygen atoms reactions with water leading to hydrogen peroxide.' Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020. 53(27).
 S. F. Xu and X. X. Zhong (2016). 'Self-deformation in a direct current driven helium jet micro discharge.' Physics of Plasmas 23(1).
 A. Majeed, X. X. Zhong, S. F. Xu, X. H. Wu, U. Cvelbar and Z. Sheng (2016). 'The Influence of Discharge Capillary Size, Distance, and Gas Composition on the Non-Equilibrium State of Microplasma.' Plasma Processes and Polymers 13(7): 690-697.
 S. F. Xu. and X. X. Zhong (2015). 'Non-linear macro evolution of a dc driven micro atmospheric glow discharge.' Physics of Plasmas 22(10).
 S. F. Xu, X. X. Zhong and A. Majeed (2015). 'Neutral gas temperature maps of the pin-to-plate argon micro discharge into the ambient air.' Physics of Plasmas 22(3).
 S. F. Xu. and X. X. Zhong (2013). 'Heat transport of nitrogen in helium atmospheric pressure microplasma.' Applied Physics Letters 103(2).
 Y. Lu, S. F. Xu, X. X. Zhong, K. Ostrikov, U. Cvelbar and D. Mariotti (2013). 'Characterization of a DC-driven microplasma between a capillary tube and water surface.' EPL (Europhysics Letters) 102(1).
 钟晓霞; 闫婷婷; 路毅; 李永胜; 黄逊志; 徐少锋 ; 大气压微等离子体液相辅助制备金银合金纳米粒子的方法, 2015-04-01, 中国, ZL201210345777.2
 钟晓霞; 李永胜; 路毅; 黄逊志; 闫婷婷; 徐少锋 ; 基于果糖和氢氧化钠化学反应的碳量子点制备方法, 2014-10-15, 中国, ZL201210405936.3 (专利)
 钟晓霞; 李永胜; 黄逊志; 路毅; 闫婷婷; 徐少锋 ; 基于大气压微等离子体技术的碳量子点制备方法, 2014-04-30, 中国, ZL201210405867.6 (专利)