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Advances in stabilization of highly nonlinear hybrid delay systems

  活动时间:7月30日(20:00-21:00), 8月2日,8月3日, 8月4日, 8月13日,8月14日,8月21日,8月 28日(TBA)

活动地点:Zoom Meeting 881 2225 3191



毛学荣, 现代随机稳定性领域的奠基人,国际知名的随机稳定性和随机控制领域专家,在本学科领域享有很高的声誉。英国Strathclyde 大学, 教授,数学与统计系主任。


Given an unstable highly nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential delay equation (SDDE, also known asan SDDE with Markovian switching), can we design a delay feedback control to make the controlledhybrid SDDE become exponentially stable? Recent work by Li and Mao in 2020 gave a positive answerwhen the delay in the given SDDE is a positive constant. It is also noted that in their paper the time lag inthe feedback control is another constant. However, time delay in a real-world system is often a variable of timewhile it is difficult to implement the feedback control in practice if the time laginvolved is a strict constant. Mathematically speaking, the stabilization problem becomes much harderif these delays are time-varying, in particular, if they are not differentiable. The aim of this talk is toaddress the stabilization problem under non-differentiable time delays. One more new feature in thistalk is that the feedback control function used is bounded. This talk is based on the recent publication:H. Dong and X. Mao, Advances in stabilization of highly nonlinear hybrid delay systems, Automatica 136 (2022), 110086.
