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Some recent progress on quasilinear wave

活动时间:2021-11-22 10:00-11:00

活动地点:腾讯会议 151 680 908



李栋教授博士毕业于普林斯顿大学应用与计算数学系,师从鄂维南院士,现任南方科技大学讲席教授, 主要从事偏微分方程理论分析与数值计算等的研究工作, 在这些方面有诸多杰出贡献, 其研究工作发表于四大数学杂志之一的 Invent. Math. 以及 Duke Math. Journal、CPAM 等国际顶尖数学杂志。


Around 2001 Alinhac introduced a new method to settle the global  well-posedness of two dimensional quasilinear wave equations with null conditions. The highest norm of the constructed solution admits an upper bound which grows polynomially in time. In this talk I  will discuss a group of recent results related to Alinhac's blowup at infinity conjecture and several related problems.
