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1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:三维RMP场缓解边缘局域模物理机制及相关输运过程的数值研究,2021-2024,主持
  2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:EAST装置上主动控制电阻壁模的数值研究,2015-2017,主持
Li Li*, Y. Q. Liu, A. Loarte, S. D. Pinches, A. Polevoi, Marina Becoulet, Guido Huijsmans and F. C. Zhong. Nucl. Fusion, 62 (2022), 096008, Quasi-linear toroidal simulations of resonant magnetic perturbations in eight ITER H-mode scenarios.
Qibin Luan, Wenda Zhang, Youjie Deng, Yanfei Wang, Li Li*, Yueqiang Liu, Xiaojiang Huang, and Fangchuan Zhong, Plasma Sci. Technol., 23, 105101 (2021). Effect of single-legged coil on 3D plasma boundary corrugation in EAST.
Y. He, Y. Q. Liu, X. Yang, G. L. Xia and Li Li*, Physics of Plasmas, 28, 012504 (2021). Active control of resistive wall mode via modification of external tearing index.  
L. Li, Y. Q. Liu, Y. L. He, Y. F. Wang, L. J. Guo and F. C. Zhong,  Nucl. Fusion, 61 (2021), 096034. Effect of runaway electrons on tearing mode stability: with or without favorable curvature stabilization.
L. Li, Y. Q. Liu, G. L. Xia, Y. F. Wang, Q. B. Luan, W. D. Zhang, and F. C. Zhong,  Physics of Plasmas, 28 (2021), 082504. Screening of resonant magnetic perturbation fields assuming various plasma flow models.
L. Li*, Y. Q. Liu, A. Loarte, S. D. Pinches, A. Polevoi, and F. C. Zhong,  Physics of Plasmas, 27 (2020), 042510. ELM control optimization for various ITER scenarios based on linear and quasi-linear figures of merit.
L. Li*, Y. Q. Liu, A. Loarte, S.D. Pinches, A. Polevori and F. C. Zhong, Nucl. Fusion 60 (2020) 016013. Toroidal modeling of resonant magnetic perturbations in preparation for the initial phase of ITER operation
L. Li*, Y. Q. Liu, A. Loarte, O. Schmitz, Y. Liang and F. C. Zhong, Nucl. Fusion 59 (2019) 096038. Modeling 3D plasma boundary corrugation and tailoring toroidal torque profiles with RMP fields in ITER
L. Li*, Y. Q. Liu, A. Loarte, O. Schmitz, Y. Liang and F. C. Zhong, Physics of Plasmas, 25 (2018), 082512. Screening of resonant magnetic perturbation fields by poloidally varying toroidal plasma rotation.
L. Li*, Y.Q. Liu, N. Wang, F.C. Zhong, Q. Luan and Y. Wang, Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 126027. Effects of magnetic islands on resonant field penetration and toroidal torques at slow plasma flow.
L. Li*, Y. Q. Liu, X. Huang, Q. Luan and F. C. Zhong, Physics of Plasmas, 24 (2017), 020705. Effect of large magnetic islands on screening of external magnetic perturbation fields at slow plasma flow.
Li Li*, Yueqiang Liu, Nengchao Wang, Andrew Kirk, H Koslowski, Yunfeng Liang, Alberto Loarte, David Ryan, Fangchuan Zhong, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 (2017) 044005. Toroidal modelling of plasma response to RMP fields in ITER.
L. Li*, Y.Q. Liu, A. Kirk, N. Wang, Y. Liang, D. Ryan, W. Suttrop, M. Dunne, R. Fischer, J.C. Fuchs, B. Kurzan, P. Piovesan, M. Willensdorfer, F.C. Zhong and the ASDEX Upgrade Team and the EUROfusion MST1 Team, Nucl. Fusion 56 (2016) 126007, Modelling plasma response to RMP fields in ASDEX Upgrade with varying edge safety factor and triangularity.
L. Li*, Y.Q. Liu, Y. Liang, N. Wang, Q. Luan, F.C. Zhong and Y. Liu, Nucl. Fusion 56 (2016) 092008, Screening of external magnetic perturbation fields due to sheared plasma flow.